Anna Higgins: Total Montage
Anna Higgins’s work operates within a cinematic, layered logic of montage—an intricate interplay of history, memory, and materiality.
By Giles Fielke
Issue 1, Summer 2023/24
“I just want to be like Scott Walker,” Anna Higgins tells me. Later, she quotes from a profile of the musician to clarify what she means: “like Andy Williams reinventing himself as Stockhausen.” This description, offered by Simon Hattenstone, encapsulates Walker’s career trajectory — from a member of the sixties pop group The Walker Brothers, to reclusive solo artist and experimentalist prior to his death in 2019.
Archie Moore’s minimalism plays a formalist trick on a settler audience that sees only an Aboriginal flag, never the painting itself.
Collaboration has become a buzzword among contemporary art’s cultural bureaucrats and market operatives.
As Melbourne’s art institutions blur the line between art and design, a corporate logic of spectacle, lifestyle, and marketability takes hold. Is the NGV’s embrace of design a progressive expansion—or just kitsch in highbrow drag? And if public museums have abandoned art, who’s left to protect it?