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Destiny Deacon and Virginia Fraser, *Forced into images*, 2001, Super 8 film transferred to single-channel digital video, 9 mins 8 secs, dimensions variable, silent.

Destiny Deacon and Virginia Fraser, Forced into Images

25 Jul 2020
13 Jul - 23 Aug 2020

VF No need lookin’?

DD Nothing surprises most of us indigenous women any more. It’s got that way if a flying-saucer was in our midst, we wouldn’t give it a second look.

— Destiny Deacon and Virginia Fraser, ‘Not quite right, but interestingly queer’, Photofile 61, 2000

I come across the video installation just as finishing touches were being applied and a decision was being made about whether the black-text-on-white-background was a better fit than the white-text-on-black. It is the first few days of lockdown 2.0. Dusk in the backstreets of Collingwood, and I am trying to acquire access to a horizon line before hooking into yet another Zoom meeting where I refuse to be seated. I am thanking the JB HI-FI God for the wireless earpods that allow me to be physically untethered, albeit always connected to a device. We are mobile montaged images in and of real time.

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